Weight Gain During PMS and How To Avoid it

Thursday, February 01, 2018

Wow its only week 5 and I somehow gained a bit of weight. From 153 to 157? Is it because I started to break my intermittent fasting and started eating carbs. I dont think so, but I did stray away from my diet.

Why did I break my diet regimen? Well it's due to the fact that my hormones are surging at the moment. A.k.a. PMS. Sometimes it is really hard to be disciplined when your body is going haywire. But its not just because I ate a serving of rice every other day. You actually gained weight before your period.

HOW? and WHY do we gain weight during PMS?

Upon a few hours of online sleuthing this is what I found out:

Hormonal changes can cause some serious water retention. Some people have gs retention which makes you fart like cray cray and some even constipation or the opposite diarrhea. All these gstro intestinal issues can result in water retention and therefore, WEIGHT GAIN

There are actulla 3 things that make you retain water.


When your body has more estrogen than progesterone, it causes us to retain salt and water in our body's tissues.


The Stress hormone! This one is a downer. You see, when you are feeling too stressed out or when you are affected by all that mood swings and give in to the stress, it causes you to bloat because cortisol is an antidiuretic, and retains all that water. :(


Magnesium is on of the key electrolytes that power our bodies. Now a drop of magnesium levels also causes bloating. This usually happens 1 week before the period starts.


Well, of course. first and foremost, do your best not to give in to cravings. When we go through our PMS we often reach for those carb heavy, salty treats which causes us to retain all these fluids that resut in weight gain. So thats number 1.

Next is, hit the gym! Exercise is the best way to battle those nasty hormones! As the great Elle Woods would say, "Exercise gives you endoriphines, Endorphines make you happy.." and if you are happy, cortisol levels go down and you experience less bloating which therefore lowers your "PMS WEIGHT GAIN."
Now if you really wanna go and eat something "sinful" go ahead and grab that dark chocolate of at least 70%. Its super high in magnesium so it will give you a bit of a boost.
But remember moderation is key okay?

So there you have it!

Reasons why you have weight gain during your PMS and how to avoid it.  (i should proably listen to my own advise! @Myself, "Duly noted. Will make sure to do this the next time I get my PMS and Cravings."

Did you know about this before? What are you PMS cravings? Mine is usually Potato corner and Siomai.
Lara Novales

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