Top 5 Resolutions and Goals for 2018

Monday, January 15, 2018

2018 Goals

It is already half way through the first month of the year and I couldn't be anymore excited about 2018. And of course with every turn of the year there are resolutions and goals that are set. That is what is great about it! Start fresh, a new chapter and new part of  your life waiting to be written.
And this is my favourite part.

So this year of 2018, here are my top 5 Goals.

1. Graduate

I have been studying Marketing Management for the past 4 and a half years (and then some) and I just want this whole college experience to be over because after this hurdle I will be able to finally do what makes me happy, full time! Graduating means so many things to me. Its a chapter of my life I can finally close and people will finally stop bothering me about it.

2.  Health
Yes health is my next resolution and under this come several things Id like to improve on this year. During the past few semesters I have been really neglecting my health over Thesis and some academics and letting stress really get to me. And in turn, my body is unhappy and it shows. 
So this 2018 I am focusing on eating better and paying more attention to my needs physically. 
one of the steps Im taking is staying away from all the simple and sugary carbs in the form of rice, noodles and bread. But to be honest with you, Im having troubles with getting rid of bread. 

3. Fitness

Of course alongside health, fitness comes next, mainly because I want to be strong again. I want my heart to be pumping and my muscles to be toned in order for me to have more energy and stamina and endurance. I miss being able to lift, run, and perform activities without breaking too much of a sweat. 

4.  Creativity
It is in my nature to be highly creative and being forced to fit into this societal norm of academics and compliance to ridiculous rules I have lost a great portion of my creativity. So I want o re-discover my passion for creating. Whether it be crafts, videos, blog posts or art, I will keep doing it and regain and improve my creativity in order to regain who I was and more!

5. Wealth

This goes without saying, in order for me to be able to pursue what I love, I am going to need money, and to earn this money I need to make my passions earn. So I will do just that and save up for the things I need to achieve my goals for the year. Starting with a new laptop. 

So those are the 5 things that are on my list for 2018. I will be writing a little bit more in depth on each one in the following days in order to break them down to actionable steps and I will also be sharing with you what I use in order to keep track of my goals. 

How about you? What are you main goals for 2018? I'd love to read about it, so leave a comment below!

Lara Novales

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- Lara

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